Vortrag: Probing the Limits of Perspective Taking between Polarized Parties

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Am 5.6.19 hält Frau Professor Sara Hodges, Ph.D. von der University of Oregon einen Vortrag zum Thema: „Probing the Limits of Perspective Taking between Polarized Parties“.  Der Vortrag findet von 16.15 – 17.45 Uhr im A 401 in der Bismarckstr. 1 statt. Abstract: Perspective taking (imagining how things look to another person; putting oneself in another person’s place) has long been considered a strategy for understanding other people. Many empirical social psychology studies have confirmed the effectiveness of problem solvers’ and peace makers’ practice of perspective taking to increase understanding between parties, reduce conflict, and bring people closer together. However, perspective taking is not a magical solution that always works. Not only can perspective taking be difficult to do (both in terms of exerting effort and making correct assessments), but in some cases, it can make things worse between perspective takers and their targets, highlighting distance, threats, and fundamental differences. I will discuss some conditions under which perspective taking has been found to be less than helpful. Specifically, when perspective takers perceive little or no overlap with their targets, it becomes difficult to comprehend the other perspective as being a variant of their own perspective. In addition, perspective taking involves seeing things in a new way, but sometimes that new perspective uncovers information that is threatening to the perspective taker.  Awareness of perspective taking’s potential pitfalls may help explain notable examples of current polarization, including the political divide in the U.S.